Custom Learning

Learning needs in government are as diverse as government itself. That’s why the IOG offers customized learning and training to departments, agencies, and Crown corporations.
Each session is unique with the content and teaching tailored to your team’s needs. We develop it with you. And we offer discounts on our regular course costs for larger cohorts!
Why should you consider an IOG custom learning package?
- You have a specialized mandate requiring concentrated, tailored training.
- You have new people in new positions who need to get up-to-speed fast.
- You are looking for a more cost-effective use of your training budget.
- You want to dig into a specific topic and enhance your knowledge and expertise.
An IOG custom learning package is simple as 1,2,3!
- Reach out and tell us what your needs are.
- Work with an IOG facilitator and our Learning team as we customize the course for you.
- Show up and learn!
We work with our clients to delivery customized learning that suits their needs. Recently, we’ve delivered:
- A customized full-day hybrid session on policy development skills for a federal department.
- A tailored half-day session on Demystifying the Treasury Board Submission process for a government agency.
- A customized session on How Government Works for a civil society organization.
- And many more!
En Français
Nous offrons des expériences d’apprentissage personnalisées en français ou dans des formats bilingues (français et anglais). Faites-nous part des préférences linguistiques de votre groupe, et nous adapterons le programme en conséquence. Votre satisfaction est notre priorité.