Our Governance Approach

Applying Good Governance
Public institutions and public servants working in the public interest are the three foundations of good public sector governance. The IOG works at the intersection of this Good Governance Triangle. Our services support each of these foundations.

IOG Services
The IOG Governance Assessment Framework – The Four Pillars
Public Sector Governance refers to the system of rules, processes, and practices by which public institutions and organizations are managed and controlled. It encompasses the principles and mechanisms that guide how government entities, agencies, and organizations operate and make decisions. The goal of good public sector governance is to ensure transparency, accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness in the delivery of public services and the implementation of government policies.
Successful governance today must be adaptive to new public policy challenges. It must be innovative in the face of change. It must be responsive to public needs and expectations to build trust, involve new voices, and – most of all – deliver outcomes for people.
But what exactly is good governance and how can your organization achieve it?
The IOG has developed a dynamic Governance Assessment Framework based on our years of practical experience working directly with public sector organizations. We have identified Four Pillars of good public sector governance, each based on good governance principles. We use the GAF to help you align your governance with your mission.

Staying on Mission
Your governance steers your organization in the right direction to fulfill a clear public purpose. Your organization ensures that its internal structures, governance arrangements, and external relationships are aligned to achieve this mission and address the realities of the public policy environment in which you operate.
Building People Capacity
Your governance team is in peak working order. Your organization has the right people capacity of skills and culture needed to perform. Leadership and skills development are advanced fairly and proactively.
Delivering on Mandates
Your governance is aligned to your mandate. Your organization has the right internal structures, processes and practices – including strategic planning, operational planning, committee structures, and risk management – to deliver on your mandate in a fully accountable way.
Collaborating for Outcomes
Your governance engages others. Your organization collaborates meaningfully with citizens, stakeholders, governments and other public institutions to address horizontal, multi-sectoral and jurisdictional public policy challenges. Collaborative governance practices are put in place to meet citizens’ needs better and increase public trust. You communicate outcomes transparently to citizens.
Our proprietary tools provides a focused, principle-based means to assess and improve an organization’s current governance structure, process, and practices. We have identified key Success Factors in each pillar to guide governance improvements. To learn more and to view the full GAF, visit our Governance Knowledge Hub.