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People are counting on you. People need you to step up and lead like never before. You need new ideas, fresh perspectives, and ways of delivering that are at once cutting-edge and tried-and-true. IOG courses are here for you.

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Leadership Programs

5 Day Bootcamp

From $8,950.00

Governments around the world are struggling to keep pace with the unprecedented disruptions of the digital era. This program is for any leader who wants to better understand how technology is pushing the public service to modernize in order to meet rising expectations. Our premise is that in today’s world, “digital” impacts everyone in government!

7 months, 3 sessions/month

From $18,000.00

Our flagship Executive Leadership Program (ELP) prepares federal public sector leaders across departments, and across Canada, to navigate the rapid and complex changes of our times. As leaders, you will be called to develop and implement complex new policies and programs for emerging public sector challenges. The ELP will challenge your strategic thinking, will expand your understanding of complex and challenging issues, and give you practical insight and skills to help you succeed.

Intensive 7-wk program

From $9,800.00

The contract (or compact) between science and society is changing. The interface between science, innovation, and policy making must change, too.

12 Full Day Sessions + 1 Evening

From $9,800.00

Includes a mix of in-class modules, a travel study tour, and group coaching sessions.