Governance Resources
The IOG Governance Resources page is a digital collation of sources related to the practice and study of governance accessible to all. This list is updated regularly to reflect emerging trends in Canada and around the world.
If you have any material to suggest, please contact Dr. Lori Turnbull at
Primary Texts
The following is a list of primary documents that are relevant to governance in Canada and elsewhere. Primary documents are those that are created directly for the purpose of governing and are, themselves, governing tools. For example, among the items listed here are the respective cabinet manuals that apply in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia. These documents help to bring clarity to the laws, rules, and constitutional conventions that apply to the operation of government. Canada does not have a cabinet manual, but Open and Accountable Government is a similar type of document.
The Constitution Acts, 1867- 1982
The Federalist Papers
America’s Founding Documents
Government Manuals
Cabinet Manuals
- UK Cabinet Manual:
- New Zealand Cabinet Manual:
- Australia Cabinet Handbook:
Open and Accountable Government
- Open and Accountable Government (Canada, 2015)
Secondary Texts
The following is a collection of scholarly publications, media reports, and other commentaries relevant to the topic of governance. This list is focused primarily on Canada but includes some documents related to other jurisdictions. We group them according to sub-theme for ease of reference. This is not a comprehensive list of sources. We will continue to add to these lists as we become aware of relevant publications, and we welcome suggestions for sources to include.
1. Parliamentary Democracy and Governance
Bost, Marc and Andre Gagnon. 2017. “House of Commons Procedure and Practice, 3rd Edition.” Available at:
Canadian Parliamentary Review. Available at:
Responsible Government (Parliament of Canada, date unknown)
Women’s political representation, good governance and human development (Mechkova et al, 2022)
2. Disinformation, Populism, and Governance.
Government of Canada. 2024. Countering Disinformation: A Guidebook for Public Servants. Available at: Countering Disinformation: A Guidebook for Public Servants – Democratic Institutions –
House of Commons. 2019. “Disinformation and ‘fake news’: Final Report.” Digital Culture Media and Sport Committee. Available at:
The public, the pandemic, and the public service: The case of Alberta (Wesley and Ribeiro, 2024)
Electoral integrity and disinformation (podcast from Dubois et al, 2019)
3. Collaborative Governance
Clement, Fiona and Michael Law. 2024. “National Pharmacare: Laying the Groundwork.” Institute for Research on Public Policy. Available at:
The Future of Canadian Federalism (Canadian Study of Parliament Group, 1990)
Federalism in Canada (Canada, 2021)
Deliberating with purpose: Deliberative civic engagement for health policy (Massie, 2023)
The role of municipalities within Federalism (podcast from Han et al, 2023)
Federalism Structures and Relationships with Indigenous Peoples (podcast from Han et al, 2023)
Building the Federation: Infrastructure within Federalism (podcast from Han et al, 2023)
The renewed Canadian Senate (podcast from Martin et al, 2019)
4. The Future of Public Service Work
Government of Canada. 2023. “Deputy Ministers’ Task Team on Values and Ethics Report to the Clerk of the Privy Council.” Available at:
Government of Canada. 2024. “Guide on the use of Generative AI.” Available at:
OECD. 2020. “The Future of Work in the Public Service.”Available at:
Institute for Government. 2024. “Power with Purpose: Final Report of the Commission on the Centre of Government.” Available at:
Regulating the wild west? Management consulting reform in Canadian government (Zaman et al, 2023)
The Open Government Guidebook (Canada, 2023)
ChatGPT: Organizational and Labour Implications (Burt, 2023)
ChatGPT : Répercussions pour les organisations et les travailleurs (Burt, 2023)
Effective Leadership in a Hybrid World of Work (Conference Board Inc., 2023)
All on Board: Does Disclosure Help Create More Inclusive Boardrooms? (Yap et al, 2021)
The Role of the CEO in Driving ESG (Conference Board Inc., 2023)
5. Public Governance Frameworks
OECD. 2018. “Draft Policy Framework on Sound Public Governance.” Available at:
Good Governance Institute. 2019. “Modern Governance in the Public Sector: The First Report from the National Commission on the Future of Governance in the Public Sector.” Available at:
International Framework: Good Governance in the Public Sector (IFAC and CIPFA, 2014)
Governance frameworks (Deloitte, 2022)
6. Science and Innovation Governance
Governance of science, technology and innovation for crisis and recovery (OECD, 2021)
Data Governance as Success Factor for Data Science (Hattingh et al, 2020)
Pandemic Governance (Wang and Weinstein-Tull, 2022)
Pandemics, privacy, and public health research (Bernier and Knoppers, 2020)
COVID-19 and the Data Governance Gap (Austin, 2023)
The Public Health Governance of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Bibliometric Analysis (Yang and Qi, 2022)