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Jean Carignan

Jean Carignan

Faculty, Coach

Jean Carignan has served in the Federal Public Service (PS) for 25 years. He is now retired. He started his career as a learning advisor for a number of Departments and Agencies, like the former CCMD (Canadian Center for Management Development), before orienting his career towards Organisation Development (OD) and coaching.

In the last years, Jean used his mindful knowledge and abilities in accompanying a number of EX’s, managers, organisations and their groups in transition and change, here in Canada or abroad (Africa). Before joining the CSPS, Jean enriched his OD and coaching experience by contributing to CIDA and to HRSDC.

Before joining the Public Service, Jean had another life and career. He worked with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Radio-Canada) in Montréal for over ten years. To name just a few television shows he worked on as a field producer and a producer, there was the Atlanta Olympics and the Victoria Commonwealth Games.

Jean has a Masters Degree in Arts (Human Systems Intervention) from Concordia University, a Masters Degree in Education (Educational Technology) from Université de Montréal, a BA in Communications from Concordia University. He is also certified in coaching from Convivium School (International Coach Federation), mediation and conflict resolution (Third Neutral Party) from the Canadian Institute of Conflict Resolution. Jean is also certified to use different tools such as “360 by Design”, EQi (Emotional Intelligence) and Insights (psychometric personality type). Note that one of Jean’s qualities is to help others and he also aspires to contribute to the bigger whole. Since many years now, he is supported in this by having a mindful practice.