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Donald Burke

Donald Burke

Faculty, SIEC Facilitator

Donald started his career in the Department of Supply and Services as a buyer. He then became a Director at the Canadian International Development Agency and later assumed the functions of Chief of Staff of the Associate Deputy Minister of Environment Canada, where he worked on a number of strategic files as special advisor to the Associate Deputy Minister.

In 1995, Donald moved to the Royal Canadian Mint as the Vice-President of Marketing and Sales followed by a position as the Vice-President of Business Development. Under his leadership the organization achieved record sales and improved its brand awareness. Since 2002 Donald has been a consultant offering services in facilitation, training, executive counselling, and project and change management. He has worked with a number of clients in both the private and public sector that range from le Cirque du Soleil to the UNDP. He was a faculty member at the Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) and one of the lead facilitators for the Living Leadership Program. He also facilitated or designed sessions for the Accelerated Executive Development Program (AEXP), the Advanced Leadership Program and the Direxion Program. Donald is an executive counsellor/mentor and has worked with over 900 EX minus1, EX-1, EX-2 and EX-3 and EX-4 clients to prepare them for selection boards or to provide career counselling, He has participated in over 150 mock boards. Donald has also delivered full session courses at both Algonquin College and Québec University.  Donald has been a co-owner of a small chain of 5 retail stores, a partner in a construction business and was the owner of a boutique brokerage firm that specialized in helping business owners sell their business. Donald was also a partner/owner of Lead- Action Training.

Donald is a certified PROSCI instructor on change management. He is also an accredited Insights® Discovery®, DISC and Dynamix practitioner and certified Change Style Indicator (CSI) and Essi Systems Resiliency Map instructor. Donald has a Masters of Public Administration (ENAP). Donald is fluently bilingual.